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APA Referencing 7th ed.: Books

Book with 1 author

Elements of a reference


In text citation

Greasley (2011) suggests that…


Good time management can help you to improve your marks (Greasley, 2011).

Reference list

Greasley, P. (2011). Doing essays & assignments: Essential tips for students. SAGE.

Book with 2 authors

Elements of a reference


In text citation

Polit and Beck (2018) state that....(p.237).


...depressed patients (Polit & Beck, 2018, p.237).

When listing the authors' names use and when the names are not included in the brackets with the date. If the authors' names are included within the brackets use the & symbol.

Reference list

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Book with 3-20 authors

Elements of a reference


In text citation


Only list the surname of the first author followed by et al. and the year, e.g.

Nankervis et al. (2014)


(Nankervis et al., 2014)

Reference list

Nankervis, A., Baird, M., Coffey, J., & Shields, J. (2014). Human resource management: Strategy and practice (8th ed.). Cengage.

*Provide the names of all the authors (up to and including 20) in the reference list.

Book with an organisation as author

Elements of a reference




In text citation

State Services Commission (2005)


(State Services Commission, 2005).

If you want to cite from the item more than once, in the first citation provide the full name and the abbreviated name of the organisation, as shown below. In subsequent citations use the abbreviated organisational title. e.g.

(State Services Commission [SSC], 2005) Use this format for the first citation.

(SSC, 2005) Use for subsequent citations.

Reference list

State Services Commission. (2005). The journey of a treaty.

As the State Services Commission wrote and published the book you do not need to repeat their name as the publisher. No publisher details are needed in this example


For reports, guidelines and other grey literature from organisations see Reports, guidelines and pdfs

Edited Book

Elements of a reference

*Use this when you are referencing the entire book. If you are using only one chapter use Book chapter in an edited book.




In text citation

(Belgrave et al., 2005).


Belgrave et al. (2005) describe ….

Reference list

Belgrave, M., Kawharu, M., & Williams, D. (Eds.). (2005). Waitangi revisited. Oxford University Press.


Chapter in a book

In an edited book

Elements of a reference




In text citation

(Papps, 2015).


... as described in Papps (2015).

Reference list

Papps, E. (2015). Cultural safety: Daring to be different. In D. Wepa (Ed.), Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand (2nd ed., pp. 36-48). Cambridge University Press.


In a book with main authors and no editors

Elements of a reference


In text citation

...(Cross, 2016).

Reference list

Cross, W. M. (2016). Navigating nursing and midwifery research ethics. In S. Borbasi, & D. Jackson, Navigating the maze of research: Enhancing nursing and midwifery practice (4th ed., pp. 83-99). Elsevier.


Edited book with an Australia & NZ adaptation

Elements of a reference




In text citation

… (Harding, 2015).


Harding (2015) notes that ….

Reference list

Harding, M. (2015). The importance of nursing (A. Cashin, ANZ Adapt.). In D. Brown, H. Edwards, L. Seaton, & T. Buckley (Eds.), Lewis's medical surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (ANZ 4th ed., pp. 2-20). Elsevier.


Book published by the author

When a book is written and published by the same person or organisation, the publisher details are not included in the reference.


Elements of a reference




In text citation

Nursing Council of New Zealand (2012).


(Nursing Council of New Zealand, 2012).

Reference list

Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2012). Code of conduct for nurses.

As the Nursing Council of New Zealand wrote and published the book, the publisher details are not needed.


Book with publishing information missing

At times books (and other sources) may not have the full publishing information including date, or name of the publisher. This applies in particular to some self published or print on demand books that contain no publishing information other than the title and the author's name. In this case, use as much information as you can.

If no date Use (n.d.). instead of the date.
If published by the author Omit the publisher as no publisher details are needed.

In text citation

...(Ehambaranathan & Murugasu, n.d.).

Reference list


Ehambaranathan, E., & Murugasu, S. (n.d.). Introduction to resource integration management: The “M” approach to the global airline industry.



Use this when you are unable to identify the author of the entry.

Elements of a reference


In text citation

...(Drug resistance, 2019).

Reference list

Drug resistance. (2019). In P. Harris, S. Nagy, & N. Vardaxis (Eds.), Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions (3rd revised Australian and New Zealand ed., p. 555). Elsevier.


Book with no author or editor

Elements of a reference


In text citation

...("Nursing care planning", 2013).

*In text, use a few words of the title, or the whole title if it is short, in place of an author name in the citation. Do not italicize the title.

Reference list

Nursing care planning made incredibly easy (2nd ed.). (2013). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Chapter in a book with no author or editor

Elements of a reference


In text citation

...("Evaluation", 2013)

*In text, use a few words of the chapter title, or the whole chapter title if it is short, in place of an author name in the citation

Reference list

Evaluation. (2013). In Nursing care planning made incredibly easy (2nd ed., pp.137-152). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.