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Policy & Guidelines documents
Academic Integrity Guidelines
Academic integrity is a belief in academic honesty and an intolerance of acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception.
Academic integrity aligns with WITT Te Pukenga’s underpinning principle of excellent teaching and learning.
See attached flow chart for incidents identified through the use of Turnitin.
Student Charter
1.1 To ensure that ākonga are informed of their rights and responsibilities; what they can expect of WITT and the expectations WITT has of them.
1.2 To advance the Institute’s aspiration to provide an outstanding ākonga experience – one that is welcoming, accessible, equitable, supportive and safe, and conducive to learning and the development of the individual as a whole.
1.3 To set out the principles underpinning the relationship between WITT and ākonga, namely the Institute’s:
· Values of Learning/Akoranga, Connection/Uuhona, Give Back/Ohaoha and Growth/Whakawhanake
· Commitment to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi of partnership, participation and protection
· Partnership with its ākonga.
WITT Turnitin Policy Summary
- Turnitin is implemented primarily as a learning tool to improve academic integrity
- Recommended for formal academic writing for Level 3 and above
- Students must be able to view their originality reports
- Students must be able to re-submit up to the due date
- Students are to be informed and enabled to use Turnitin
- Tutors should have training in the use of Turnitin software before using Turnitin.
- Turnitin is a text-matching software
- Turnitin does not detect plagiarism
- Turnitin helps students to demonstrate academic integrity in their work
- See Academic Guidelines for WITT Staff document under Policy & Guidelines for incidents identified through the use of Turnitin.