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Turnitin Web-Based Student Help Guide: FAQs


Frequently asked questions

About Turnitin

What is Turnitin?

Does Turnitin detect plagiarism?

How can I log in to Turnitin?

Turnitin isn’t working, what do I do?

Can I use Turnitin if my tutor has not set it up?

What is the maximum file size I can submit?

What file types can I submit?

Submitting my work

How do I submit my work to Turnitin?

Can I submit my work to Turnitin more than once?

Will Turnitin check a resubmitted assignment against previous submissions for the same assignment?

If students in the same course submit similar papers to the same assignment, will these submissions be checked against each other as soon as they are submitted to Turnitin?

For some reason I can't see the 'Submit Paper' icon to submit my assessment

I submitted the wrong document! What can I do?

I submitted my document to the wrong dropbox! What can I do?

The Originality Report

How long does the Originality Report take to generate?

Who can see my Originality Report?

What does the similarity number mean?

Is it possible to get a similarity of 0%?

How do I know if my similarity number is acceptable?

The similarity is too high - what do I do?

How can I download/print my report?

What does it mean if my report is 'processing'?