This guide focuses on dyscalculia and studying. It includes:
Living with dyscalculia (It's not just "number dyslexia") by BBC The Social
Dyscalculia describes a specific and persistent difficulty in understanding and using numbers. It's sometimes referred to as maths dyslexia or dyslexia with numbers, however it's more than that.
People with dyscalculia struggle learning math skills, even when they are in a good learning environment at home and at school. This can lead to a wide range of challenges with maths, including:
It's not caused by low intelligence, background, gender, family problems, emotions or laziness.
While people with dyscalculia may face specific challenges, there are some positive aspects.
These learning strategies might be useful to help you manage your study.
Be creative |
Take advantage of your creative strengths
Solve problems in steps |
Ask 'why?' |
Understanding why problems are solved in certain ways can help you learn how to solve them.
Organise your numbers |
Learn through play |
Just because we are adults, it doesn't mean we can't play.
Use assistive tools |
Find a study buddy |
Take a moment: Choose one or two learning strategies to try this week.
The best things you can do to support your students with dyscalculia are:
Below are some suggested strategies for supporting students with dyscalculia.
Create supportive learning environments |
Scaffold new skills |
Take a multi-sensory approach |
Teach the 'why' |
Use real world contexts |
Assistive tools |
Just because you have trouble with numbers, it doesn't mean you have dyscalculia.
There is a difference between having problems with maths skills and dyscalculia. There are many reasons why students are challenged by maths, including dyscalculia, maths anxiety, and bad maths education in the past.
Dyscalculia: Teaching strategies and modifications by Teachings in Education
British Dyslexia Association. (n.d.). Neurodiversity and co-occurring difficulties.
De Montfort University. (2013). What is dyscalculia.
Speld NZ. (n.d.). Dyscalculia.