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Provides global access to one of the largest online content repositories in the world, with full text of over 4000 journals, newspapers and magazines with detailed abstracts and indexing for a further 3500 publications. The following subjects are covered: accounting, arts, business, careers, computers, economics, children, education, finance, general interest, health, humanities, international, law, military, medicine, multicultural, newspapers, pharmacy; psychology, sciences, social sciences, technology, and telecommunications.
CINAHL Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments.
700 health and medical journals incorporating video clips and hundreds of pamphlets. Health-related articles from 2,200 general interest publications.Contains articles from the Alternative Health Module
Add the journal name to the Published in box so that you have full access to the articles. The International Journal of Mental Health Nursing is a peer-reviewed nursing journal covering psychiatric and mental health nursing. It is is the official journal of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses
This resource offers 1,300+ step-by-step evidence-based nursing procedures and skills. With detailed instructions and visuals, including full-colour art and video clips which let you see techniques first hand. Midland District Health has specifically customised topics: IV procedures and infection control to suit New Zealand protocols (with more to follow soon!)
Lippincott Advisor is a collection of evidence-based content that provides practicing nurses with instant access to online references at the point of care.
Provides over 160 full-text journals in medicine, nursing, allied and consumer health. Includes full-text reference books, pamphlets, overviews of clinical topics, and indexing and abstracts for over 1500 additional titles covering patient and consumer health information.
Gale Interactive introduces interactive 3-D models so students can deep dive into specific systems or regions of the body. Users can explore 3-D models by zooming in, rotating, and dissecting them.